Since 1998 Port Macquarie Landcare Group has been regenerating remnant bushland Reserves in our urban areas, mostly creek lines and beaches. We help to restore whole ecosystems, both biotic and abiotic parts. Our aim is to maintain biodiversity, that is the native plants, creatures and natural systems that support all life including people. Our volunteers work in bushland, controlling weeds and planting native seedlings where necessary. We provide volunteers with tools, PPE, training and insurance, and fund all our work through competitive grants. We also run a modern Community Nursery producing 40,000 local provenance native plants annually, for our plantings as well as for sale to Council, developers, farmers and residents. It grows plants for our outreach programs: Weed Swaps and Backyard Bushcare. Port Macquarie Landcare has partnerships with Council and NPWS and does not work on private land.
The Port Macquarie Landcare Group welcomes local volunteers of any age and background for hands-on bushland work (weekday mornings), the Community Nursery (Monday mornings), administration and many other roles. We also have a group at Queens Lake that work Tuesday mornings from 8am.
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