Come and join Hastings Landcare on Saturday the 05th August 2023 at Lorne for a Koala Workshop. The day will include discussion on how traditional ecological knowledge informs conservation, identifying koala on your property, drone monitoring techniques and on-ground works that can improve koala habitat. The day will be hosted by Hastings Landcare, Guulagu Koala Custodians, Koala Conservation Australia, and Trackz Drones.
The use and understanding of traditional ecological knowledge will make conservation efforts stronger. Arly McInherny will be talking about how listening to the sounds and language on country can give insight into conservation. Arly says, “Traditional ecological knowledge gives us such valuable insight into the world around us”. It is crucial to listen to country in order to know how to improve and protect it.
Learn techniques you can use on you own property to detect koala activity. Koalas can be tricky to locate and in some cases, landholders have lived on a property for decades and not realised koala were present. With over sixty percent of koala habitat in NSW being on private land, Koala Conservation Australia’s Cheyne Flanagan says, “habitat on privately owned land is such an important resource for koalas and needs conserving”. Find out more about Koala Conservation Australia’s Habitat Restoration Program on the day, which provides direct support to private landholders to restore habitat.
There are many options for landholders to improve, extend, connect or protect habitat and biodiversity on their properties. Improving your property for wildlife also creates benefits from a farming and stock management point of view. There are many great examples of how landholders improve their land to better support both wildlife and stock. Hastings Landcare representative Stephen Allwood said, “we visit all landholders who would like support or guidance in managing the bushland on their property“.
Learn about the latest drone monitoring technology including hyperspectral imaging. Trackz Drones representative Phil Clare says, “drone monitoring offers an efficient and effective way to carry out monitoring in many different applications”. Utilising technology and research gives us a better understanding of our environment and how we can look after it.
Hastings Landcare welcomes everyone to the workshop free of charge. Morning tea and lunch will be provided. Numbers to this workshop are limited. Hastings Landcare works to nurture community connections, enhance the local environment, and support sustainable agriculture. This project received grant funding from the Australian Government. To register contact 0467 864 465 or Otherwise register direct using the following link-