Hastings Landcare noted an influx of calls and emails from the community with concerns about the increasing population of Indian Myna Birds and the negative effects this is having on the native bird population. Indian Mynas compete for nesting hollows with native birds, destroy their eggs and chicks as well as interrupt natural breeding. These birds will also evict small mammals from their hollows and leave them unusable due to their messy nesting habits.
In response to the communities concern regarding the exploding numbers of indian myna birds Hastings Landcare ran an Indian Myna Bird Control & Attracting Native Birds Workshop.
The workshop covered Indian Myna identification, impacts of the species to our environment, different control methods including trapping, preferred baits, euthanasia and more. The presenter demonstrated how to use a trap effectively and different techniques to try when birds are trap shy.For example, different baits, a call bird (or speaker) and changing the look of the trap. Community members left armed with many tips and tricks provided by trainers from Clarence Valley Conservation in Action to eradicate Indian Mynas at there own properties to leave more room for our beautiful native birds!
Presenters from Hastings Bird watchers took the floor to inform community members of various ways to encourage native birds into their backyard and garden. Collectively, domestic gardens and farm bushland make up one of the largest areas of vegetation remaining in our man made landscape. It was clear that improving the diversity of plants in your a garden by including local native trees, shrubs and grasses will improve the diversity of birds visiting your garden. Additionally, using large flowering plants such as Grevilleas will actually encourage territorial birds such as the Noisy Myna that will drive out smaller and less aggressive native birds. The presenters informed community members of how to creating shelter, water and different layers in your garden will welcome more birds to your garden.
Over 80 community members attended the workshop all with the common goal of reducing the number of Indian Myna Bird population and increasing the native bird population. All attendees are now equipped to manage this pest at their own properties. Over time Hastings Landcare hope to strengthen communication between trappers so that they can work together, share knowledge and resources. After only a week Hastings Landcare have had reports of successful trapping with one community member trapping 35 Indian Myna Birds!