Building resilience through riparian landscapes links 2017

Greater Hastings Building resilience through riparian landscapes links project was a Biodiversity Fund Project funded by the Australian Government.

The project aimed to reduce grazing pressure, increase biodiversity by planting trees, manage weeds, enhance riparian connectivity and raise awareness of appropriate riparian management. 

Project achievements;

  • 63 Riparian projects funded
  • 256ha of reduced grazing pressure
  • 26000 plus trees planted
  • 375ha of weed control
  • 71km of enhanced riparian connectivity


“I could not have achieved this work without the assistance of this grant”

“This has inspired me to do more fencing and native planting on my property”

“It would take us years to save enough money to implement these changes.”

“I am still finding new stock management benefits from having off-stream watering”

“Without the advice and support from Landcare and contractors the task of clearing the privet and lantana infestations would have been beyond our capabilities”

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